Creating a home workout space this new year

Hero image home workout

Today’s the day. This week’s the week. This year’s your year. Roll out the yoga mat, retrieve the fancy-looking headband earphones from the Amazon delivery driver. Alexa, play motivational bangers.

The beginning of a new year is the perfect time to get active and creating a workout space in your home doesn’t have to be so difficult – it can be the motivating factor you need to get your fitness plan rolling. Here are some simple tips to consider when creating a workout space in your home.


It is a common misconception that in order to do a home workout you need a home gym garage-conversion with state-of-the-art facilities and vintage posters of Rocky on the wall. By all means, pick a designated space within your home – this will help to associate it with positive endorphins – however, this space can, and will, for most people be a multi-purpose room that is transformed into a workout space in a few easy steps. If it’s a room with enough space for your moves, and enough ventilation for the smell of your success, it’s good to go.

Rollup exercise mats are a quick and easy way to convert a space into a makeshift gym while you get your pump on, then can easily be stored away afterward. Choosing a room with ample storage will allow you to dedicate space for equipment, and make sure you can keep exercise as the room’s secondary purpose. Preparing an exercise basket with all you need for a workout will make for tidy storage, plus a quick start when you’re ready for it.


Make it attractive

If it’s in-keeping with the theme of your home, there are several ways to make this space better adapted for fitness. Picking a room with brightly coloured walls and plenty of natural light will be a boost during your workouts. Adding decoration – such as a motivation chart or workout plan – will also help to associate the objective of the space.

Including house plants will make for a nice visual effect, while also helping to increase oxygen levels and purify the air. Finally, the most obvious way to make the room more attractive is to include a mirror – because, after all, watching yourself achieve your goals is the most satisfying part of the process.

Make it attractive

Reason to return

Ultimately, the idea of a home workout area is to aid with motivation. Creating a space, permanent or not, that gives you the inspiration to return for more is the end goal of this project. Making sure you have the right equipment will help keep you going, and this really can be as simple as a yoga mat, some free weights, or a skipping rope – it all depends on what works best for you.

Finally, adding some media to the room, such as a speaker to blast your training playlist, or a TV to stream your workout videos, can be the encouraging influence you need to get going this year.

Reason to return

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