How to decorate your home on a budget

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Give your home a makeover while sticking to a budget with our savings-friendly decorating tips.


Focus on what you’ve already got to start with. Any old furniture can be given a new lease of life, whether it’s a coffee table, a bookcase, or a TV unit. A lick of paint will bring it into the here and now, and there’s plenty to choose from. Chalk paint is one option – although slightly pricey, if you’re going for a true budget selection – or you can use tester pots from any DIY store. These can be purchased for as little as £1, and it beats buying brand-new pieces. Need some inspiration? Take a look at our guide on upcycling.

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Online marketplaces

One of the best budget-friendly options you have is browsing online marketplaces for a bargain. Sellers are often trying to shift items, such as pre-loved furniture, for a fraction of the RRP, meaning there are plenty of deals for you to snap up. Plus, you can upcycle what you do buy, making whatever you purchase even more cost-effective.

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Feature walls

Create a new centrepiece in any room with a feature wall. From bright, solid colours to personalised designs, there’s so much you can do; and all for the cost of a single tin of paint (depending on the size of the wall, of course). Check out the latest autumn and winter trends for some seasonal inspiration.

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DIY wall art 

If you’re feeling artistic, why not get the brushes out and create something uniquely you? For the cost of some brushes, paint, and a canvas, you can design something distinctive that represents your artistic flair. Now, this may not be for everyone, so you always have the option of asking a family member to put bristles to canvas for you – or you could even get the kids involved!

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Pre-loved furniture

Touched upon a little above, but not wholly exclusive to online marketplaces, is pre-loved furniture. Charity shops are found dotted across high streets throughout the UK, which means you have access to a wonderful supply of pre-loved alternatives to shop-bought furniture. Plus, you’ll be providing charities with much-needed funds to continue their good work.

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