Five ways to style with books

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It’s time to treat paperbacks properly and bring back belief in the beauty of books. Books are an amazingly versatile ornament, with vast variety in size, colour, and artwork, plus can exhibit an array of personal interests. Follow these tips to see how easy it is to work literature into your décor and give more purpose to your favourite copies.


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An obvious place to start is with bookshelves. For those with large collections, bookshelves are a necessity for storage. However, there is far more potential for style and visual appeal. Small adjustments like alternating when copies are grouped vertically or stacked horizontally can add interest. Having specific covers facing outward can draw conversation – plus add to interior intention – either reflecting the aesthetic of the room or promoting a specific interest or subject matter.

Adding ornamentation to a bookcase creates differences in height and depth, varying visual interest. Whether it’s a house plant, bookends, or a stand-out decorative piece, finding the balance between books and ornaments can make for far more intriguing results. When used effectively, bookshelves can form their own feature wall, negating the need for paint or wallpaper.

Coffee table

Coffe table landscape

The coffee table is an essential location to style feature books – large hardbound copies with aesthetic covers and spines should be used here. These copies act as talking points, promoting an aura of etiquette and knowledge. Popular genres for the coffee table include design, fashion, and art – but the most important quality is that it represents your own interests.

Draw notice to your mantlepiece if you have one in the room. Use it to display your favourite covers and topics which you are truly passionate about.

Bedside table

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Often a place associated with reading, building books into the styling of a bedside table can be a strong look, adding height and interest. One idea is to use a few copies as a base to stand a bedside lamp upon – we advise making it your next three reads as inspiration to finish your current one. For those with low-down or sunken beds, consider using a stack of books instead of the bedside table altogether.



Stylish cookbooks can be both glamorous and practical – having a couple of cookbooks on display in the kitchen will give the impression of your gourmet side, plus offer a range of cooking inspiration. Integrated kitchen shelving can make a stylish and useful home for recipes, however, if this isn’t possible then utilise empty space above the fridge or kitchen cupboards by stacking cookbooks.

Try collating a few of your favourite recipes into your own cookbook and give this pride of place against a splashback. Another option is to have an open recipe on a bookstand displaying tonight’s meal.

Reading nook

Window seat

Naturally, books should be the stylistic focal point of a designated interior reading spot. Whether this is a neat pile on a table next to an armchair, a nearby bookcase, or even a stack of books in place of a table, using books as decoration here will echo the soul and sentiment of the space.

Try creating a reading basket as a handy accessory to a reading spot – take the essentials such as reading glasses, bookmarks, and a nice blanket, and place them in a box or basket in your reading nook before filling the rest of the space with classic paperbacks.

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